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Welcome to Nature's Schoolyard,


As we all pause to remember all those who perished on this day in history, I was struck by the story of the Survivor Tree that somehow survived the devastation of this sad day in the history of our world.

This tree witnessed the horrors of the violent events that human beings can inflict on each other and our planet.


Trees can live for thousands of years, and they offer a unique perspective on the history of our planet.

The oldest living tree was found in Dalarna, Sweden, and is over 9,550 years old.  It survived in the often harsh, mountainous terrain and was found surrounded by other trees of its family of varying ages

of 375-9,000 years.  Truly an amazing family tree!


Here is a link to a slideshow featuring some of the world's oldest trees.


Our ancient trees are being destroyed all over the planet due to mass deforestation.  Trees are the powerhouses that cleanse our planet of toxins, create fresh air, regulate climate and store massive amounts of carbon in our world.  The survival of all life is dependent on maintaining the health of our forests and reforestation of the planet.  I want to highlight a very important organization that is archiving, propagating and reforesting the planet using the genetics of our ancient trees.  These scientists are ensuring that future generations will be able to experience the wonder and majesty of these ancient members of our earth family.


On this day of remembrance, please consider promoting peace and the healing of our beautiful 

Mother Earth by planting a tree or supporting this important organization or others that work to reforest our planet.  Let us learn from the perilous mistakes of past generations in the violent destruction of old growth forests which continues today, and let us make a commitment to promote peace on our planet by planting trees which will inspire, heal our planet, Earth, and serve as symbols of a new era of peaceful transformation and loving stewardship by all global citizens.  Whenever a tree is planted, it helps every other part of the world—all life is interconnected and interdependent.  


Please check out The Lorax Lesson Plan for more ideas to  learn about trees and the real-life deforestation example of Easter Island.


Let there be peace on Earth, plant a tree!


Check out the Arbor Day Foundation for more information on trees.